Should you need to request a repair, simply call our dedicated Repair Team on Free Phone 0800 652 6789. Our dedicated UK based Repair team is on hand to help you 6 days a week. Monday to Friday: 9am – 6pm Saturdays: 10am – 4pm Public Holidays: 10am – 4pm They will help you get your washing machine back up and running as quickly as they can. If your washing machine cannot be repaired then we will decide to either offer you a replacement washing machine or a settlement based on the age of the appliance, up to the value of £1000 to go towards a replacement, all as standard under our washing machine care plan.
We don’t place any restrictions on the age, make or model of the Washing machine we offer care for. As long as your Washing machine is not still under its manufacturer’s warranty or an extended warranty, you can take advantage of our Washing machine care plan today. Home Appliance Guard provides unlimited repairs as standard under your Washing Machine care plan.
Damage or faults that arise due to intentional damage or misuse. Existing faults are also not included. Accidental damage. A full list of exclusions can be found in our terms & conditions